Lucuma fruit powder
Lucuma fruit powder
Lucuma (bot. Pouteria lucuma )- finely ground dried fruit powder
A true superfood with an exceptionally high proportion of healthy ingredients!
A sweet nutrient bomb from the Peruvian mountains that you will love!
The Lucuma fruit, also known as "Inca Gold", is very nutritious and is one of the most calorie-dense fruits. In addition, it has easily digestible fiber, which makes it very digestible. Lucuma is high in iron, beta-carotene, zinc, B vitamins, magnesium and calcium. Slightly sweet by nature with a low glycemic index.
The Indians of Peru compare lucuma to breast milk for its nutritional value, which is why it has traditionally been popular with pregnant and breastfeeding women in the Andes. Older people who eat and drink (too) little also benefit from the nourishing properties of Lucuma in their care. It has a deliciously round taste.
Usage : 1-2 teaspoons add a velvety tone to desserts and smoothies and is a great addition. Try a teaspoon of Lucuma in your cocoa!